Denmark is connected to sweden via the Øresund bridge and it takes just an hr train ride from Lund. we didnt even need a passport to enter copenhagen.
We went next to the National Musume. Nothing intersting at all. I thought it will be a good musume since copenhagen is suppose to be the most famous scandinavian capital. Our trip ended with a dinner at the Hard Rock cafe.
I didnt really enjoy my trip. Blame it on the cold weather. The temperature was hovering around sub zero. My not-so-waterproof nike shoes made my legs cold and freezing. On top of that, melting snowing in cities is really disgusting. Look at the constast below. The snow that was steped by people or cars was dark and dirty. Luckily Lund was a smaller town and melting snow doesnt get that disgusting. I guess i will return back to copenhagen again in spring.
However, i got a nice travel mate, Thomas from Germany. Before coming sweden, i really had a bad impression of the Germans. Blame it one Klaus and Peter Dorge.
I pity Thomas cos he has to travel with someone who speaks bad english. For example, i was trying to tell him that i was very "cold" and he could not understand me pronounce it as "col" without the "d". Sometime, i wanted to say some cold jokes, but it turns out really bad cos i didnt know how to convert my chinese cold jokes into english ones, and he just gave me a lost look. I shall work harder to improve my english. I seriously have some difficulty talking to the ang-mohs. Sometimes, i find myself stumbing over my own words and have to repeat myself again and again. While having group conversation, they speaks so fast that i can catch only 60% of their conversation. I shall try to improve my powder-ful English.
And thats Thomas from germany
More photos can be found
I am so jealous of you! How can you go to Copenhagen?! You are suppose to be studying...haA~
Aiya, don't always say your English is lousy, Chinese jokes are not to be told in English, it is the essence of Chinese languange, haA~. Well, at least your German friend don't mind travelling with you!
Anyway if you don't recognise my nick, I'm Ting Ting. :)
hey weizhi! didnt visit the little mermaid statue when you were in copenhagen? anywayy your english isnt that bad what! oh yes.. more pictures of cute guys pls.haha. take care!
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