Once again, it's the application period for INSTEP, GIP and GSS. I thought it might be good to promote this for the IRO (Haha...cos they are kind enough to select me for sweden, and i should repay my gratitudes). Here are the top 5 reasons of why you should go for an exchange, particularly Sweden, particularly Lund.
1) 读万卷书,不如行万理路!
Although i have only been here for 3 weeks, i think i have learnt much more about the History, Geography, politics and Culture of Europe than i did before. It is always interesting to talk to people from all over the world. I realised that Singaporeans (or maybe its just me) are just like frogs in the well. For example, the govt keeps saying that we are so effectively bilingual and we are ready to face the world since we mastered our English and Chinese. However, most Europeans are effictively bilingual or even tri or quad-lingual. They are good in both their Mother tongues and English. So, what that big deal if we know just two langauges. And anyway, we cant speak both langauges well.
And some interesting facts i have gathered:
Sex change is very common in France.
Do not use the word 'Caucasians'. Use the word 'Europeans'.
Europeans dont drink luke warm water.
Germany is actually part of Austrian in the past.
'Lund' means 'dick' in Hindi.

My flatmates.
2) Be a proud ambassador of Singapore
You find yourself telling people about your country like you never did before. And many Europeans dont exactly know where singapore is. One gal thought Singapore is a city in China. Another thought Singapore is near Mynammar. So here comes the friendly ambassador from S'pore.

3) An English-friendly country
Most swedes speaks very good English. No worries about asking for direction or talking to the locals. They are also very willing to help. I can gurantee. I am never given a 'smelly face' or being ignored when i asked for directions. Also, some English and Swedish words are similar, so you can guess what a swedish signboard or food label is trying to say.
And anyway, it get quite intersting to learn a new langauge. 'six' in swedish is 'sex'. and 'good' is 'bra'. 'Hej' in swedish means 'Hi' and 'Hej Hej' means 'bye' . !!?!
Well, these are just some werid examples.
My Swedish langauge classmates
3) Clean, Green, Safe and Organised.
Sounds like Singapore, isnt it. And you will appreciate it. And since Lund is at the southern end of sweden, winter is actually not as horrible. You certainly do not wish to see snow everyday once you re here. Cos its horribly cold once its snowed.
4) An University Town.
Even wondered how it feels to live in an university town? Forget about Cambridge or Harvard. Lund University is founded in 1666. (341 years old!). Being a Uni Town means that is always something for every student in the town itself, and they are quite reasonably priced as well.
The shopping district is just round the corner. No need to take the slow and always fully-packed 179 to JP. There are many Nations (aka student clubs) that offers parties, cheap alcohol and sports.And it is a great place for sport freaks esp if you like floorball. They also got an indoor swim pool and indoor tennis courts. And the town gym is so cheap! s$100 membership and you get to attend lessons like Yoga, Boxing, Aerobic. Even guys do aerobic here. There are many dance classes too. I attended a Salsa class just now, S$25 per semester. Singapore where got so cheap! And there are more guys than gals! Commodities in Lund are not so expensive as compared the rest of sweden. Price of clothings are actually comparable to Singapore. Cafe food are ususally 2-3x more expensive. Stuffs in the supermart are quite reasonablely priced. And I managed to find s$0.20 instant noodles.
Winter in Lund
5) Alcohol, parties and blonde hunks and babes
What else you want!

I hope after reading the above entry, some of you guys might be inspired to go for an exchange, and hopefully, Lund will be your first choice.
Valkommer till Lund!
(welcome to Lund!)