Friday, April 27, 2007
Useful list to keep

Sunday, April 15, 2007
kobenhavn AGAIN

Nyhavn, the coolest place in copenhagen, at least to me. People were just sitting along th river side and enjoying the afternoon sun, chit chatting, and of course, beer is a must.
Sat was supposed to be a city trip and Sun was to be a bike trip along the west coast of Denmark. Yet again, my plan was foiled, all thanks to the 'sun no open' policy in Scandinavian. I could not rent a bike. However, i have a nice stroll along the west coast of Denmark, sun bathing with a beer and free ice cream.
A perfect weekend. And all thanks to my wonderful host, michael from Hong Kong, and all his HK friends who treated me to not one, but 2 night of dinner and also to michael's Danish Landlord, Jens, for the ice cream treat!
Denmark, i'll be back!
Favourite photo of the trip:
Friday, April 13, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Fika (aka coffee break)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I am one of the few who is lucky/unlucky to stay in North Spoletorp.
10 mins to town centre.
2 mins to train station
superb view
S$4000 !! (Most other pay around S$3500)

Just heard on the news that we got to pay $0.10 for plastics on the first wed on each month. I dont know how well it will work. In sweden, each plastics bags costs $0.20. But it seems that no one bother to get their own shopping bag. Only poor exchange students like us save the $0.20 by bring our own bags.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Oral Test
And we had our first oral test today.
The thought of doing a oral test was enough to freak me out. But it turns out to be quite ok. It was in fact like a free flow discussion in a small group setting. The teacher asked us question and anyone is free to answer and add comments. I was really surprised to see how the swedish students present their answer. They were not afraid to comment, and everyone seems to know when to say something and when to shut up. No over-domination by one person was seen. And they were able to link different concepts and things taught in different modules together. I am really AMAZED.
As quoted from a NTU website:
"We have evidently found a unique formula for success in our direct honours programme and well-rounded curriculum offering multiple routes to success..."
I wonder how unique our formulae? Having 50 people in a tutorial class and expect free flow of discussion? I doubt so. And we are so bad in linking various concepts together as we were always too concern in memorising the notes.
Then again, i shall leave this question to civil servants who draw 2-3 millions a year.
And my second oral test is coming in 2 weeks time...
SUkipedia - Norway

City hall
Outdoor porngraphy?
Travellers' guide - Bergen
An 8 hrs train trip from Oslo, Bergen takes you into a different landscape. A UNESCO World Hertiage City, Bergen is more suitable for nature-lover like the webmaster of SUkipedia. Stroll along cobbled street lined with brightly coloured wodden houses, or head up the mountain to catch a bird eye view of the city of Bergen

SUkipedia rating - ++++
Monday, April 02, 2007
Lappland revisit

And here again, tirring trilling chilling with my best buddy...
